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Jucătorii de şah - OR0147
Proprietar: miss_shady
N 44° 25.595' E 26° 01.977' N 44° 25' 35.70'' E 26° 01' 58.62'' N 44.42658°  E 26.03295° 
Altitudine: 88 m
 Zonă: România > Bucureşti - Ilfov
Tip geocutie: Puzzle
Mărime: Mică
Stare: Arhivată
Timp necesar: 0:30 h    Distanţă de parcurs: -
Data ascunderii: 2015-01-22
Data creării: 2016-05-12
Date published: 2016-05-12
Ultima modificare: 2022-04-29
1x găsit
0x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
870 vizitatori
1 x votat
Apreciată ca: -

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Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN RO

Human chess

Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. It is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide.

Each player begins the game with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. Each of the six piece types moves differently. The objective is to 'checkmate' the opponent's king by placing it under an inescapable threat of capture. To this end, a player's pieces are used to attack and capture the opponent's pieces, while supporting their own. In addition to checkmate, the game can be won by voluntary resignation by the opponent, which typically occurs when too much material is lost, or if checkmate appears unavoidable. A game may also result in a draw in several ways, where neither player wins. The course of the game is divided into three phases: opening, middlegame, and endgame.

Let's try a chess challenge:

Chess game

KING Anatoli Karpov KING Gary Kasparov
ROOK Maia Chiburdanidze ROOK Boris Spassky
BISHOP Ion Bălănel BISHOP Robert Fischer
KNIGHT Elisabeta Polihroniade KNIGHT Florin Gheorghiu
PAWN Constantin Lupulescu PAWN José Raúl Capablanca
PAWN Corina Peptan PAWN Victor Ciocâltea
PAWN Surorile Polgar    

One side could win a checkmate in one move. But I don't remember which one, white or black...

  • Who (which piece) moves towards victory?
  • Does not allow the defeated king diagonal movement.
    Last year when was champion (RO: campion): 19AA.
  • Does not allow the defeated king horizontal/vertical movement.
    The year before the last time defended (RO: apărat) world (RO: mondial) title: 1BBB.

N 44° 25.AA0
E 026° 01.BBB

You may view/enlarge/save the board HERE. You may practice on an empty board HERE.

Proprietarul acestei geocutii îţi oferă posibilitatea de a verifica corectitudinea soluţiei tale (coordonatele finale), înainte de a pleca la căutat!
Statistici: Încercări: 11 ori, Reuşite: 1 ori.
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