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[LALEA4] Expo - OR013D
Proprietar: andrixnet
Fondator: miss_shady
N 44° 51.729' E 24° 52.240' N 44° 51' 43.74'' E 24° 52' 14.40'' N 44.86215°  E 24.87067° 
Altitudine: 273 m
 Zonă: România > Sud - Muntenia
Tip geocutie: Tradiţională
Mărime: Mică
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2016-04-16
Data creării: 2016-04-16
Data publicării: 2016-04-16
Ultima modificare: 2017-03-20
2x găsit
0x negăsită
2 Comentarii
watchers 1 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
983 vizitatori
2 x votat
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Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN RO

Expo Park is a city park, located in Calea Bucuresti neighborhood. He was rehabilitated under the project "Future's Parks", released by OMV Petrom, one of the largest rehabilitation projects.

Following rehabilitation, the park:

  • Comply with European safety, environmental and aesthetic planning of public parks;
  • Use natural elements for building and reconstruction: stone, metal, sand, wood, or combination thereof;
  • Use recycled materials: recycled glass with special visual effect for wells, recycled metal for the alternative energies devices, bark for playgrounds and planted areas;
  • Has about 200 large trees and 1500 shrubs;
  • Has specific vegetation for all seasons (with alternative flourishing);
  • Has spaces created for all ages: playground for children, for chess players, sports, spaces for dogs;
  • Use of alternative energy producing systems (solar panels with photovoltaic cells);
  • Display works of art.

ah yrza, ah cnznag

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