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Crucea de piatră - OR00CF
Proprietar: andrixnet
N 44° 09.647' E 26° 00.153' N 44° 09' 38.82'' E 26° 00' 9.18'' N 44.16078°  E 26.00255° 
Altitudine: 65 m
 Zonă: România > Sud - Muntenia
Tip geocutie: Necunoscută
Mărime: Mică
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2011-04-10
Data creării: 2014-09-19
Date published: 2014-09-19
Ultima modificare: 2017-07-08
0x găsit
0x negăsită
0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
703 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Citeşte articolul despre atributele Opencaching.
Descriere EN RO

This monument is located in the village of Crucea de Piatra (The Stone Cross) 29km from Bucharest. It is a reminder that here Mihai Viteazul (Michael the Brave) won a great victory over the otoman army under Sinan Pasa (august 13th, 1595). The stone cross was erected on the hilltop where Mihai was supposed to have placed his artillery, a strategic spot over the entire valley.

To find the box you have to solve a small field puzzle.
A = the year when it was built
B = the year when it was rebuilt
C = number of letters in the name of the artist who built the first statue.
nnn = 6(B-A+2)
eee = C*C


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Statistici: Încercări: 0 ori, Reuşite: 0 ori.

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