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Black Sea Magic - OR00A7
Yachting harbour
Proprietar: andrixnet
N 43° 48.229' E 28° 32.438' N 43° 48' 13.74'' E 28° 32' 26.28'' N 43.80382°  E 28.54063° 
Altitudine: -1 m
 Zonă: România > Sud-Est
Tip geocutie: Tradiţională
Mărime: Micro
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2013-07-20
Data creării: 2014-06-06
Date published: 2014-06-06
Ultima modificare: 2021-07-29
0x găsit
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0 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
944 vizitatori
0 x votat
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Descriere EN RO

Do not step on the bridge. Planking is old and rotten.

Lake Mangalia is very similar to an estuary and extends from Mangalia harbour to the west, beyond Limanu village, and most of it is passable.

Mangalia shipyard (on the south end of the harbour) requires access to the railway network, and to minimize the length of the track, a tall artificial embankment and this bridge were built.

Yachting has prospered in recent years and this place offers a very safe haven for small sailing boats.


rnfg fvqr, haqre bhgre cebgrpgvir envy

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