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Moments in history #8 - Bucharest War Cemetery - OR016B
Bucharest War Cemetery 1939-1945
Owner: miss_shady
N 44° 42.484' E 26° 05.732' N 44° 42' 29.04'' E 26° 05' 43.92'' N 44.70807°  E 26.09553° 
Altitude: 101 m. ASL.
 Region: Romania > Bucureşti - Ilfov
Cache type: Traditional
Size: Small
Status: Temporarily Unavailable
Date hidden: 2011-08-21
Date created: 2016-05-16
Date published: 2016-05-16
Last modification: 2024-08-23
0x Found
0x Not found
0 notes
watchers 0 watchers
1054 visitors
0 x rated
Rated as: n/a
Cache attributes

Go geocaching with children  This cache can be found at any time of day or week.  Parking area nearby 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN RO

Bucharest War Cemetery 1939-1945

Text can be read on the monument. I will not comment on the "liberation by Russian forces"; I'm reproducing the text exactly as it is.

Romania During the 1939-1945 war

Romania, an ally of the British Commonwalth, France, Russia and Belgium in the Great War was occupied by German forces in 1940 and became an unwilling sattelite of the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) until her liberation by Russian forces in 1944 when she again joined the Allies.

The Romanian oil fields were vital to the German war effort as were the lines of communication supplying the German armies on the Russian front, and both were subject to sustained and heavy bombing attacks during the summer of 1944 by aircraft of the Mediterranean Allied Air Command from bases in Italy.

Bucharest War Cemetery

90 burials in this cemetery are, except for two soldiers and a merchant seaman, those of airmen killed in the operations described above. Originally buried in various parts of Romania, their graves were gathered into the war cemetery after the hostilities. By countries the burials comprise :

  • United kingdom : 80
  • Canada : 2
  • Australia : 2
  • New Zealand : 1
  • South Africa : 5

This cemetery was built and is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

The architect was Herbert Jenner

The cache is placed close, but outside the graves enclosure; please be respectful while visiting the place

It is recommended to visit this cache while driving TO Ploiesti, and park on the same side of the road.

Please be very careful while visiting this place; the road is a VERY, VERY, VERY BUSY road, and crossing it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

You have been warned !

Please do not attempt to cross the road.

Additional hints

haqre ebbs

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