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[LALEA5] Fântâna Muzicală WEBCAM - OR0198
Proprietar: andrixnet
Fondator: Echipa Laleaua
N 44° 51.509' E 24° 52.210' N 44° 51' 30.54'' E 24° 52' 12.60'' N 44.85848°  E 24.87017° 
Altitudine: 278 m
 Zonă: România > Sud - Muntenia
Tip geocutie: Cameră web
Mărime: Fără cutie
Stare: Ready for Search
Data ascunderii: 2017-03-11
Data creării: 2017-03-12
Data publicării: 2017-03-12
Ultima modificare: 2024-04-23
2x găsit
0x negăsită
1 Comentarii
watchers 0 utilizatori care urmăresc această geocutie
795 vizitatori
1 x votat
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Descriere EN RO

Musical fountain

Situated in the city center, just opposite the City Hall building, it was build in 2008 and was dedicated to Europe Day.

Both tourists and citizens are thrilled by this musical fountain, from which one can hear symphonies by Mozart or Beethoven each weekend evening between 8:30 and 9:00 PM. The singing fountain is impressive with it's size and it's unique show of light and sound.

Piteşti Musical Fountain is unique in Eastern Europe, having 1000 fixed and mobile water spouts, a light organ and the water jets play in sync with the music. The music was specially selected for this purpose and the interpretation task given to Piteşti Filarmonic Orchestra and it took a whole year to record.

This fountain is a small scale copy of the famous musical fountain in front of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas.

Logging tasks:

  1. Go to the posted coordinates, visit this website: and choose camera 1.
  2. Attach to your log a picture taken from camera 1, showing you waving your hand.

For better lighting conditions it is recommended you visit the place during the first half of the day.

Use the screen capture function of your device (or a screenshot app).

Important: camera image has a delay of 30-60 sec.

Fântâna Muzicală, noaptea
Primăria şi fântâna